Faith-filled Disciples of Christ
Volunteers are an important part of the educational program at St. Charles Borromeo Catholic School. Parents/guardians and family members are encouraged to volunteer for special classroom projects, room parent duties, lunchroom helpers, in the library, field trips, Friday Folders, classroom helpers, and much more. However, we know that during these times of COVID our ability to provide volunteer opportunities is limited.
To be a volunteer, in accordance with the Office of Youth Protection at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and Archdiocese of Seattle, any time a parent or other volunteer works, or volunteers, in any capacity in connection with the church, parish or school —no matter how infrequently this occurs—safe environment training is required, in addition to undergoing a background check. Thus, the parent who serves even once during the year must complete the full Safe Environment requirements. Until this has been completed that parents must not be allowed to volunteer at the school or parish, with our children.
More information can be found here.